Frank Sorgiovanni 仲量联行酒店及旅游地产投资总部高级副总裁
康红恩 房地产专业投资人、融侨集团原副总裁兼首席投资官
邱剑侠 上海嘉和控股集团有限公司董事长兼总裁
刘 兵 戴德梁行高级董事、区域副总裁
赵俊涛 东呈国际集团副总裁
东呈作为酒店集团到目前为止总共收到了多家银行共同100亿授信,仅是桂林银行对集团的授信额度达60亿,这已经是我们国内金融机构获得授信最高的酒店集团。 关于投资,我以自身集团为例,东呈走轻资产路线,我们未来直营投资的酒店将会有所减少,而且我们的投资人多以租赁物业二十年的方式运营酒店,经济酒店的话大概四年就能回本,中档酒店最迟六年后回本,二十年后有超过三倍以上的盈利回报。但是,东呈酒店集团也遇到业务上的瓶颈,东呈集团虽然是国内5强,共有1200家门店,但我们是民营企业,在对外投资收购这方面同样会遇到困难。另外,关于酒店运营方面,根据自身需求,无论是走轻资产还是重资产路线均可行,关键的是,在进行酒店投资时,我们要制定自己的目标,进行合理的架构搭建。
黄 燕 港中旅酒店有限公司董事、副总经理
金 建 德勤中国副主席、博士、合伙人
左起:Frank Sorgiovanni、康红恩、金建、邱剑侠、刘兵、赵俊涛、黄燕
One Belt, One Road strategy brings new opportunity for tourism industry which improve the cross-regional cooperation. How would the strategy influence the future investment of tourism and hospitality? How would tourism and hospitality take this opportunity and turn it into advantage?
The Crisis and Opportunity for China's Hospitality
Head of Research Asia Pacific, Hotels & Hospitality Group, Jone Lang Lasalle (JLL)
Recently, the number of China's foreign investment projects is reducing. China suffers from an oversupply of hotel numbers. However, it is clear that Chinese hospitality is turning the marketing pressure into motivation.
Abroad Investment Has Huge Development Potential
Alex KANG Former Vice President & Chief Investment Officer of Rongqiao Group
I think that the best age for light asserts has passed that the making business mode should base on its own operating characteristic. Chinese hoteliers need to adapt themselves with the foreign business mode when investing overseas.
Abroad Investment Should Be Benefit for Entity Economy
Mr. QIU Jianxia Vice President of Hotel Investors association of CRECCBoard Chairman & CEO of Jiahe Holding Group
Although the policies encourage abroad investment, most of Chinese enterprises' abroad investment just define for purchase, which is not benefit for market development. The new policy tries to enhance the management of outflows.
Go Global Strategy Can Improve Hospitality Developing
Mr. Gordon LIU Senior Director & Deputy General Manager-North china of Cushman & Wakefield
There are two kinds of abroad investment. One is build hotels in the cities along the "One Belt, One Road." The other is overseas acquisition. Go Global Strategy has huge potential with the economic policy support.
Civilian-Run Enterprises Invest Overseas Facing Bottleneck
Mr. Junt ZHAO Vice President of Dossen International Group
Private enterprises will also encounter difficulties in the foreign investment and acquisition. About the hotel operations, according to their own requirements, both in the asset-light route and in heavy asset route are feasible, moreover the key is that when we found the investment in hotels, we should formulate own goals and set up a reasonable structure.
“One Belt, One Road” Create A Wave of Investment
Ms. HUANG Yan Deputy General Manager of HK CTS Hotels CO., Ltd.
After the overall "The Belt and the Road" policy of China from 2014 to 2016 has been issued, the outbound investment showed explosive growth. According to incomplete statistics, domestic enterprises have reached 230 foreign transactions, involving more than $370 billion, covering the areas of Britain, the United States, Europe, Africa and South America. Although now slowing the speed of overseas investment, the country synchronizes “Bring in” strategy and "Go global" strategy, so overall the investment of all the way along "The Belt and the Road" is still an excellent direction.
The Advantage of Overseas Merger and Acquisition Need to Be Developed
Mr. JIN Jian Vice Chairman & Partner of Deloitte China
At present the oversea acquisition of domestic enterprises is mainly in sports and recreation club, etc., rather than some industrial investment. Some of current new policy, actually it can improve the tendency of "The Belt and the Road". It hopes that it can "go global" of the country's remaining capacity and talent technology, rather than simply outflow capital. The foreign investment should be based more on the domestic assistance of investment matters and the support for the substantial economy.
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