轻装上阵 未来旅行者期待的旅程
撰文/李欣煦 Written by Shirley
如今“奢华”的概念,不再是精细编织的床单、或精美的俄国鱼子酱,消费者行为模式在全球范围的转变,也改变了酒店业对于“奢华”享受的定位。全球奢华精品酒店联盟(Small Luxury Hotels of the World)将精致的简单列入2017年奢华酒店的主要趋势之一,体现了传统酒店业正在逐步改变此前对奢华的过度解读——酒店的奢华体验不再是昂贵的材料、铺张的空间或者镀金logo这种过时的理解方式。相反,精简的奢华体验是新式的体验,为旅客提供更加真实、纯粹的奢华体验,不受特定品牌的局限、也无需谨遵床单织数的刻板标准。这种精简特色的崛起,表明了人们对现代时尚服务的需求,体现了一种新的奢华思维:浓缩,而不是物质主义。正如全球奢华精品酒店执行总裁 Filip Boyen 所说:“精简酒店的兴起,让奢华的标准不止于物质的挥霍,我们需要的更多是从个人热情中所诞生的作品。”
新时代的消费者已经不一味地追求奢华,而是追求更个性化,体验感更强的旅游体验。2016年LE Miami展会上所说到的“Creative Class(创意阶层)”就是有着这样喜好的一个群体,他们将会是未来影响旅游业的KOL(关键意见领袖);他们愿意花翻倍的价格买当地水果鲜榨的果汁,喜欢通过公平贸易平台购买咖啡豆,更倾向于使用酒店门口的自行车而不是乘坐出租车……
以千禧一代为主的未来旅行者孕育了这样的KOL,未来的旅行者拥有与现代的旅行者截然不同的动机。在艾玛迪斯的《2030年未来旅行者族群:了解未来旅行者》报告中,从旅行者的价值观、行为和需要等心理学层面分析,从消费者心理学角度出发,基于The Future Foundation的消费者调查预测,将未来旅行者分为以下六个族群:(1)极简主义者:希望他们的旅行计划或假期规划都一切从简,他们追求捆绑销售的“旅行套餐”,从而省去亲自规划旅行的麻烦。(2)文化纯粹主义者:将旅行看做融入和理解陌生文化的良机。3)社交资本追求者:朋友们在社交平台上的关注是他们旅行的终极目的。从旅行规划开始,数字媒体就是他们丰富旅行的工具和展示旅行的平台。(4)奢旅追求者:将奢旅看作是在工作上耗费的大把精力与时间的回报,他们追求“独一无二的旅游体验”和“不能错过的奢华享受”。(5)目的导向者:每一个旅行都有明确的目标,要么商务,要么休闲,因此他们的旅行在时间和花销上都有限制。(6)道德旅者:将他们的道德心作为每段旅途的起点。他们的旅行会为环境让路,他们的选择会受到政治理想的影响,他们还非常重视自己的旅行对经济和市场的贡献。
正如艾玛迪斯亚太区总裁Angel Gallego在报告中所说,如今的旅行者对自己的旅行有着前所未有的支配力。他们越来越精细、越来越独立,他们拒绝被按照年龄、国籍和收入来简单归类。到了2030年,人们将会追求‘高度定制’的旅行。旅游业从业者必须深刻了解将会不断壮大的六类‘旅行者族群’,以作出正确的投资决定,迎合未来旅行者的需求,创造个性、互联、可持续的未来旅行体验。”
新时代的消费者已经不一味地追求奢华,而是追求更个性化,体验感更强的旅游体验。2016年LE Miami展会上所说到的“Creative Class(创意阶层)”就是有着这样喜好的一个群体,他们将会是未来影响旅游业的KOL(关键意见领袖);他们愿意花翻倍的价格买当地水果鲜榨的果汁,喜欢通过公平贸易平台购买咖啡豆,更倾向于使用酒店门口的自行车而不是乘坐出租车……
以千禧一代为主的未来旅行者孕育了这样的KOL,未来的旅行者拥有与现代的旅行者截然不同的动机。在艾玛迪斯的《2030年未来旅行者族群:了解未来旅行者》报告中,从旅行者的价值观、行为和需要等心理学层面分析,从消费者心理学角度出发,基于The Future Foundation的消费者调查预测,将未来旅行者分为以下六个族群:(1)极简主义者:希望他们的旅行计划或假期规划都一切从简,他们追求捆绑销售的“旅行套餐”,从而省去亲自规划旅行的麻烦。(2)文化纯粹主义者:将旅行看做融入和理解陌生文化的良机。3)社交资本追求者:朋友们在社交平台上的关注是他们旅行的终极目的。从旅行规划开始,数字媒体就是他们丰富旅行的工具和展示旅行的平台。(4)奢旅追求者:将奢旅看作是在工作上耗费的大把精力与时间的回报,他们追求“独一无二的旅游体验”和“不能错过的奢华享受”。(5)目的导向者:每一个旅行都有明确的目标,要么商务,要么休闲,因此他们的旅行在时间和花销上都有限制。(6)道德旅者:将他们的道德心作为每段旅途的起点。他们的旅行会为环境让路,他们的选择会受到政治理想的影响,他们还非常重视自己的旅行对经济和市场的贡献。
正如艾玛迪斯亚太区总裁Angel Gallego在报告中所说,如今的旅行者对自己的旅行有着前所未有的支配力。他们越来越精细、越来越独立,他们拒绝被按照年龄、国籍和收入来简单归类。到了2030年,人们将会追求‘高度定制’的旅行。旅游业从业者必须深刻了解将会不断壮大的六类‘旅行者族群’,以作出正确的投资决定,迎合未来旅行者的需求,创造个性、互联、可持续的未来旅行体验。”
华住集团创始人季琦用全球化的一代来总结未来的旅行者。千禧一代是多元而开放的消费者族群,因为社交媒体及互联网的兴盛,大家乐于分享,乐于共享。而智慧型手机让大家已经不再满足单一,而是希望可以同时间更多工的完成各种事情,现代人所追求的是“all in one”,在一个平台完成策划整个旅行的全部步骤。正如洲际集团的大中华区宾客忠诚度营销及战略合作首席总监谭裴德(Peter Tippen)在2017中国酒店营销高峰论坛上所总结新时代的旅行者,已经不再满足于按照线性步骤完成旅游体验,而是多步骤同步进行,并保持与社交网络接轨以便实时分享。新时代的酒店业与旅游业,就是要顺应新消费群体的消费习惯,简化出行程序,让消费者能更加轻松,简单的完成整个消费流程。
在移动互联网兴起之后,在社交网络、智能手机应用逐渐侵占人们的全部碎片时间的现在,千禧一代更加适应在各种数字移动渠道完成整个规划出行的过程。正如洲际集团的CEO Richard Solomon在2016年年报中所说,数字营销的主导地位, 是支撑起洲际旗下品牌的制胜关键。这涉及使用高新科技和数据来提供客人所需的住宿体验。做好数字移动渠道营销,不仅符合了新时代消费者群体的需要,更是一种注入品牌基因,建立情感联系的方式。洲际借助数字化手段将自己的品牌理念注入到与消费者互动的每一个步骤中:营销、预订、体验,并在此过程中以一种极富情感的形象对消费者履行着自己的服务承诺。数字化要渗透到这环环相扣的三个步骤中,更是要让这三个步骤向着一体化,方便快捷的方向发展。
Peter Tippen将旅程分解成梦想,计划,预定,体验及分享五个环节,过去的旅行者是线性完成整个旅程。而新时代的消费者更加习惯多轨道同步进行。以洲际在数字移动端的运营为例,Peter详细分析了如何酒店应利用数字移动端,简化出行程序,让消费者可以轻松上阵:(1)梦想:利用社交网络,如微信公众号等平台,推送目的地内容,激发消费者对旅游的渴望;(2)计划:与推送目的地同时推荐酒店,并利用科技手段,让目标客户可以即使掌握酒店信息,如洲际所推出的掌上洲游,360度酒店全景展示使搜索更为互动,即时和身临其境;(3)预订:关注地区特有的便捷预定渠道,比如微信中的即时预定功能;(4)结合当地消费者的支付方式,使我们的酒店预定更容易被接受,比如说在中国地区开通的支付宝支付方式,令酒店预订更加快捷;(5)分享:微信和社交平台上的宣传活动旨在促进住客交流和分享入住体验。
Go Lightly, the Expectation of New Travelers
Trends come and go; the definition of luxury is changing with new consumption patterns. Now, luxury not only means high quality beddings or expensive caviar. The Small Luxury Hotels of the World has defined the sophisticated simplicity as one of the main trends for 2017 Luxury Travel, which shows that the understanding of luxury is also changing in hospitality. Offering a contemporary-chic flair, hospitality epitomizes the new luxury mind set: enrichment over materialism. These properties enrich the experience as most of them were born out of passion from individuals who come from various non-hospitality backgrounds.
“The rise of the pared back hotel in Tulum signifies a demand for a more contemporary chic offering, epitomizing the new luxury mind set: enrichment as opposed to materialism,” says Filip Boyen, CEO, Small Luxury Hotels of the World “They bring a new luxury standard to the hotel landscape since almost all of them are born out of passion projects from individuals who come from various non-hospitality backgrounds but are brimming with creative aspiration.”
Group: the Revolution led by Future Travelers
The new Key Opinion Leaders are Creative Class, who are those kind of consumers in the new age prefer personality, experience to luxury. The Creative Class refers to a posited socioeconomic class. They are not a class of workers among many, but a group believed to bring economic growth to countries that can attract its members. The economic benefits conferred by the Creative Class include outcomes in new ideas, high-tech industry and regional growth. It’s not about conspicuous consumption. For the Creative Class, travel is about the personal journey, the experience, and the story behind it all. In and of itself, presents the hospitality industry with an incredible opportunity to deliver truly bespoke and memorable experiences for today’s discerning luxury traveler.
The Amadeus and the Future Foundation has published a report called Future Traveller Tribes 2030: Understanding Tomorrow's Traveller. It has defined the future travelers as six different "tribes" : simplicity searchers, cultural purists, social capital seekers, reward hunters, obligation meeters and ethical travelers. “The traveller today has more power than ever before. They are increasingly complex, empowered, and no longer want to be siloed into demographic groups of age, nationality and income. The future travel experience will be more personalized, connected and sustainable,” commented Angel Gallego, President, Amadeus Asia Pacific.
Function: Digital and Mobile will be a Core Channel
Ji Qi, the founder of HTHT, summarized the millennials as a generation of Globalization. Influenced by the social media and Internet, they love share. Because of Smartphone, they are used to multi-tasking environment. "All in one" is the key word for the millennial. As Peter Tippen, the Head of Loyalty Marketing & Partnerships, Greater ChinaIHG, has said in the 2017 China Hotel Marketing Conference, the consumer behavior to travel has shifted rapidly in China. Hospitality should change their mind of linear thinking, and simplified the procedure and steps.
"Underpinning the success of all our brands is a focus on digital leadership. This involves us using new technologies and data to deliver truly relevant experiences," Richard Solomon, CEO of IHG, has said in the IHG Annual Report F-2016.
Peter Tippen has separated the process of travel into five steps, dream, plan, book, experience and share. For the traditional customer journey, it is a linear process. However, now, the journey is changing and still evolving with technology that the five steps will be carried out simultaneously.
Also, the digital and mobile channel can help Hospitality to build lifetime relationships. Peter has said that loyalty sits at the heart of IHG's business, getting the member experience right is paramount to its success. Consumer's expectation from hotel program changes from practical to emotional. With the big data, hotels can customize personal service for their VIP customers. For example, in IHG, the Your Rate programs for VIP guests include not only price discount, but also personalized trips as "Unexpected Moments."
“The rise of the pared back hotel in Tulum signifies a demand for a more contemporary chic offering, epitomizing the new luxury mind set: enrichment as opposed to materialism,” says Filip Boyen, CEO, Small Luxury Hotels of the World “They bring a new luxury standard to the hotel landscape since almost all of them are born out of passion projects from individuals who come from various non-hospitality backgrounds but are brimming with creative aspiration.”
Group: the Revolution led by Future Travelers
The new Key Opinion Leaders are Creative Class, who are those kind of consumers in the new age prefer personality, experience to luxury. The Creative Class refers to a posited socioeconomic class. They are not a class of workers among many, but a group believed to bring economic growth to countries that can attract its members. The economic benefits conferred by the Creative Class include outcomes in new ideas, high-tech industry and regional growth. It’s not about conspicuous consumption. For the Creative Class, travel is about the personal journey, the experience, and the story behind it all. In and of itself, presents the hospitality industry with an incredible opportunity to deliver truly bespoke and memorable experiences for today’s discerning luxury traveler.
The Amadeus and the Future Foundation has published a report called Future Traveller Tribes 2030: Understanding Tomorrow's Traveller. It has defined the future travelers as six different "tribes" : simplicity searchers, cultural purists, social capital seekers, reward hunters, obligation meeters and ethical travelers. “The traveller today has more power than ever before. They are increasingly complex, empowered, and no longer want to be siloed into demographic groups of age, nationality and income. The future travel experience will be more personalized, connected and sustainable,” commented Angel Gallego, President, Amadeus Asia Pacific.
Function: Digital and Mobile will be a Core Channel
Ji Qi, the founder of HTHT, summarized the millennials as a generation of Globalization. Influenced by the social media and Internet, they love share. Because of Smartphone, they are used to multi-tasking environment. "All in one" is the key word for the millennial. As Peter Tippen, the Head of Loyalty Marketing & Partnerships, Greater ChinaIHG, has said in the 2017 China Hotel Marketing Conference, the consumer behavior to travel has shifted rapidly in China. Hospitality should change their mind of linear thinking, and simplified the procedure and steps.
"Underpinning the success of all our brands is a focus on digital leadership. This involves us using new technologies and data to deliver truly relevant experiences," Richard Solomon, CEO of IHG, has said in the IHG Annual Report F-2016.
Peter Tippen has separated the process of travel into five steps, dream, plan, book, experience and share. For the traditional customer journey, it is a linear process. However, now, the journey is changing and still evolving with technology that the five steps will be carried out simultaneously.
Also, the digital and mobile channel can help Hospitality to build lifetime relationships. Peter has said that loyalty sits at the heart of IHG's business, getting the member experience right is paramount to its success. Consumer's expectation from hotel program changes from practical to emotional. With the big data, hotels can customize personal service for their VIP customers. For example, in IHG, the Your Rate programs for VIP guests include not only price discount, but also personalized trips as "Unexpected Moments."
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